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Bible: TITUS & PHILEMON - NT Pauline Epistles

TITUS & PHILEMON are two Epistles of Paul that are each written to one person with his personal counsel. We gain valuable insights into how Paul relates with those with whom he has a close personal bond. In TITUS, Paul guides and exhorts Titus as a church leader whom he has been put in-charge of a difficult church in Crete. We learn from this matters of church leadership, ministry and organisation. Above all, we learn the vital importance of a leader’s character, example, and sound teaching of God’s Word. In the PHILEMON, he writes to Philemon on a more personal matter of sending back to him his runaway slave, Onesimus, who had come to the faith through Paul. He pleas strongly that Philemon should treat him as a brother in Christ and not just as a slave who had misbehaved.