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The Theocratic Covenant Series Part 4 Sessions 1 to 7

The Theocratic Covenant Series Part 4

The 6th Theocratic Covenant - Fulfills All the Theocratic Covenants

Session 1 - The Books of the New Testament Covenant of Christ

Session 2 - Jesus Christ – Mediator of a New Covenant - the High Priest & Sacrifice

Session 3 - Jesus Christ – Prophet & WORD; Author of the New Law, the Holy Spirit

Session 4 - Jesus Christ – Fully God Fully Man; New Adam; the Final Adam

Session 5 - Jesus Christ - the Resurrection & the Life; Giver of New Eternal Life

Session 6 - Jesus Christ - Messiah, King of kings, Lord of lords, 2nd Coming

Session 7 - Jesus Christ fulfills All the Theocratic Covenants