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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 4 Session 6

The Theocratic Covenant Series – Part 4 Session 6

The NT – the 6th Theocratic Covenant of Jesus Christ

Session 6 – Jesus Christ – Messiah, King of kings & Lord of lords, 2nd Coming

Jesus Christ – Messiah, in Greek, it is “Christ”

  • His messiahship is written into His Name and Title
  • The Testimony of John the Baptist in the 4 Gospels
  • The Confession of Peter and the 12

The Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem in the 4 Gospels

  • From the OT – the Servant Songs of Isaiah, Numbers and Psalms and others
  • Jesus Christ – King of kings & Lord of lords
  • Book of Revelation the main book to highlight this but with OT uses
  • This title is Deeply Related His 2nd Coming

Jesus Christ – His 2nd Coming – He Returns as King of kings & Lord of lords

  • A whole series of events follows on His Return to END this creation & bring in the NEW
  • Jesus speaks of the passing of this heaven and earth in Mt 5:18
  • Peter speaks most directly of the melting away of this heaven and earth – 2 Peter 3:8-13
  • Revelation 20 to 22 gives the Most Significant Series of Events He brings when He Returns
  • the 1st Resurrection of those who are dead in Christ to rule with Him on earth [this event is mistaken by some as the Rapture, but there is No Rapture]
  • Satan will be put in the bottomless pit for a thousand years
  • Christ rules for a thousand years in person on earth
  • after that Satan will be released to face his judgement in the lake of fire
  • the Great White Throne Judgement of all not in the 1st Resurrection – those not in the Book of Life, death, & hades, will be in the lake of fire - the 2nd death
  • there will be a New Heaven and New Earth
  • a New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven
  • the River of Life