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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 4 Session 5

The Theocratic Covenant Series – Part 4 Session 5

The NT – the 6th Theocratic Covenant of Jesus Christ

Session 5 – Jesus Christ – the Resurrection & the Life; Giver of New Eternal Life

Jesus Christ as The Resurrection and The Life

  • He is The Resurrection – the very power who overcomes death
  • He is The Life – source and giver of eternal life

Jesus Christ as the Giver of New Life – Eternal Life

  • He is not just alive but is the SOURCE of all life
  • He is co-creator with the Father to give life to all
  • He is our Saviour who give us back the life we lost when we sinned
  • But He bring us forward, not backward, to the kind of Life God meant for us to have if we have not sinned