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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 4 Session 2

The Theocratic Covenant Series – Part 4 Session 2

The NT – the 6th Theocratic Covenant of Jesus Christ

Session 2 - Jesus Christ – Mediator of a New Covenant - the High Priest & Sacrifice

Christ the Great High Priest

Appointed by Higher Authority than the Law of Moses

Christ is our Heavenly Priest who empathises with our Weaknesses

Christ is A Priest of the Order of Melchizedek

Christ the Once-for-All Holy Sacrifice for our Sins

The OT sacrifices could not take away sin

They only remind of our sin and the need for it to be taken away

Christ is the Mediator of a New and Better Covenant that can actually take away sin

He Himself is the Only Holy Sacrifice whose death actually pays for our sin