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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 4 Session 1

The Theocratic Covenant Series – Part 4 Session 1

The NT – the 6th Theocratic Covenant of Jesus Christ

Session 1 – The Books of the New Testament Covenant of Christ

The OT ended with the Book of Malachi that prophesied of both the coming of John the Baptist and our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

The New Testament begins with the Gospels that records the coming of John the Baptist and of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

New Testament Overview

The 4 Gospels give us a multidimensional revelation of Who Jesus is and What He has done -
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John

The Book of Acts records the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the New Israel, the Church, and the beginning of its history here on earth

The NT Epistles combine both Wisdom and Prophecy in teaching us Who Jesus is, What He has done to save us, and the New Life that all who are saved in Him are to live.

Pauline Epistles – the Gospel of Christ according to Paul -
Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus, & Philemon

General Epistles – writing of various NT writers as inspired by the Spirit -
Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter, 1, 2, & 3 John, & Jude

Revelation – a Special Epistle on the Return of Christ, the End of this creation, and the New Creation of the New Heaven and New Earth

The Person & Mission of JESUS CHRIST – the Core & Theme of ALL the Theocratic Covenants.