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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 3 Session 6

The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 3 Session 6

5th Theocratic Covenant – GOD’s Covenant with David for the Messiah

Session 6The Walk of the Covenant Nation – The Southern Kingdom

The Kings of the Southern Kingdom

Rehoboam 931-914

Abijam 913-910

Asa 910-868

Jehoshaphat 872-847

Jehoram 852-841

Ahaziah 841

[Ataliah non-Davidic queen] 841-835

Joash made king in Judah by Jehoida the priest 835-796

Amaziah 796-767

Azariah/Uzziah 791-739

Jotham 752–736

Ahaz 736–720

[The following Southern Kings ruled over Judah as the sole Israelite Kingdom after the Northern Kingdom ended]

Hezekiah 729– 699

Manasseh 698–643

Amon 642–640

Josiah 640–609

Jehoahaz 609

Jehoiakim 609–598

Jehoiachin 598

Zedekiah 598–586

The Fall of Jerusalem

The land was given its Sabbath rest for 70 years as prophesied by Jeremiah.

Jehoiachin was released from prison – 2 Kings 25:27-30 [Grace beyond the Exile]

God's Grace Beyond Exile – 2 Chronicles 36:22-23