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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 3 Session 5

The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 3 Session 5

5th Theocratic Covenant – GOD’s Covenant with David for the Messiah

Session 5 – The Walk of the Covenant Nation – The Northern Kingdom

The Northern Kingdom – how does its Walk measure against the National Covenant?

The Kings of the Northern Kingdom

    Jeroboam 1 931-910

    Nadab 910-909

    Baasha 909-886

    Elah 886-885

    Zimri 885

    Omri 885-874

    Ahab 874-853 The Ministry of the Prophet Elijah

    Ahaziah 853-852

    The Ministry of Elijah – 1 Kings 17 to 2 Kings 2:12

    The Ministry of Elisha who inherited Elijah’s Mission – 2 Kings 2 to 8 & ch 13Joram (Jehoram) 852-841 The Ministry of the Prophet Elisha

    Jehu 841-814

    Jehoahaz 814-798

    Jehoash 798-782

    Jeroboam II 793-753

    Zechariah 753

    Shallum 752

    Menahem 751-742

    Pekahiah 741-740

    Pekah 752-732

    Hoshea 732-722

    Assyrian Captivity – 2 Kings 17:7-41