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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 2 Session 3

The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 2 Session 3

The 3rd Theocratic Covenant - The Abrahamic Covenant

S3 - The Abrahamic Covenant through Jacob

Genesis 23 to 25 – Major Developments
Jacob vs Esau - Esau sold his birthright to Jacob
Jacob Took Isaac’s Blessing from Esau
The LORD met Jacob – Jacob’s Dream of a Ladder to Heaven
Jacob Inherits the Abrahamic Covenant - diagram
Jacob vs Laban – the Moulding of Jacob’s Faith in the LORD
The Birth of the Sons of Jacob – the Origin of the Tribes of Israel
The LORD met with Jacob again – Jacob wrestled to get the LORD’s Blessing
Jacob Affirms the Abrahamic Covenant