Starting from:


The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 1 Session 6

The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 1 Session 6

The 2nd Theocratic Covenant - GOD's Covenant with Noah

S6 - Humankind After the Flood


The Genealogy of Noah and his sons


The Tower of Babel

  • reveals the continuation of sin - the human quest to be GOD or to dethrone
  • GOD judged by confusing and multiplying humankind into different languages and tribes
  • this is Both Judgement and Mercy
  • the scattering & division is Judgement
  • but it is also Mercy to limit human capacity to do evil so that there is Time for Salvation
  • this shows us that the Final Judgement is Final because at that point there is No More Mercy

The Genealogy resumes with Shem until Abraham

  • The Curse of Canaan - a peak into the future judgement of the Canaanites