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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 1 Session 5

The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 1 Session 5

The 2nd Theocratic Covenant - GOD's Covenant with Noah

S5 - The New Covenant with Noah


The Noahic Covenant is a Covenant made WITHIN the Adamic Covenant

The Adamic Covenant still stands, which is Why the Penalty for Sin, still applies to all humankind


Genesis 8:20-9:17

  • Noah worships the LORD with sacrifices
  • GOD sets the conditions of life on earth so that life may survive and continue
  • Humankind to re-multiply after the Flood
  • Reforming the Earth after the Fall
  • animals may be eaten but blood must be drained out
  • blood symbolises the sanctity of life even though animals may be eaten
  • taking of human life forbidden, penalised by the death penalty of the offender
  • Rainbow is the Sign of the Noahic Covenant that GOD will not destroy all life on land again by a flood