Starting from:


The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 1 Session 4

The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 1 Session 4

The 2nd Theocratic Covenant - GOD's Covenant with Noah

S4 - The AFTERMATH of the FALL

Judgement Against All Humankind


Genesis 5 - the long life of the people then


Genesis 6

  • humanity multiplied on earth
  • the issue of the Nephilim
  • all humanity to be destroy because of endless violence
  • but GOD found Noah who called on His Name
  • He commanded Noah to build an Ark
  • He used the Ark to save Noah & his family and selected animals
  • GOD commanded that all land be flooded to end all life on land - The Flood
  • GOD used the Ark to save all who were in it
  • The FLOOD is the Judgement against All Humankind After the FALL
  • GOD saved Noah with the Ark and all in ti as His 2nd Chance for Humankind