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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 1 Session 3

The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 1 Session 3

The 1st Theocratic Covenant - GOD's Covenant with Adam

S3 - The FALL


Genesis 3:1-24


The Serpent tempted Eve & Adam and they Fell

  • the believed the devil and disbelieved GOD
  • the followed the devil and disobeyed GOD

Consequences of the FALL

  • Death - estrangement from GOD the Source of their life & being
  • Estrangement within themselves - ill at ease with who they are
  • Estrangement against each other - reject responsible, blame the other
  • Estrangement against the earth - disruption with the flora and fauna
  • The FALL in Diagram

Judgement for the Sin

  • Against woman
  • Against man
  • Against the devil
  • Sin went from bad to worse - Cain killed Abel, Lamech will kill any who but wounds him
  • Ray of Hope in line of Seth