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The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 3 Session 2

The Theocratic Covenant Series - Part 3 Session 2

4th Theocratic Covenant – GOD’s Covenant through Moses with Israel

Session 2 – the Forming of the New Nation

Journey to the Promised Land

  • The Exodus from Egypt - Exodus 12 to 13
  • The Crossing of the Red Sea - Exodus 14:10–31
  • From the Red Sea to Mt Sinai – Exodus 15:22 to 18:26
  • The Mt Sinai Covenant – Exodus 19 – especially Exodus 19:6
  • The Tabernacle – the Divine DesignExodus 25:10 to 31:38
  • The Golden Calf – Exodus 32
  • Command to Leave Sinai to Move Towards the Promised Land – Exodus 33 to 34
  • The Tabernacle – Construction & Completion – Exodus 35 to 40
  • From Mt Sinai to the Promised LandBook of Numbers
    • 1st Census of Israel as the People of the LORD
    • The Disastrous Failure to Enter the Promised Land
    • Korah’s Rebellion
    • the Waters of Meribah
    • The Bronze Serpent
    • they defeated Sihon and Og
    • Balak, king of Moab, and Balaam, the prophet
    • 2nd Census of Israel as the People of the LORD
    • Joshua succeeds Moses as Israel’s Leader by the LORD’s command
    • Reuben, Gad, and a Half of the Tribe of Manasseh were granted to settle in the land of Sihon and Og