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Bible: JAMES - NT General Epistles

The Epistle of James is sometimes called the Wisdom Literature of the New Testament. It is a very early epistle, probably written before Paul's epistles and the Gospels. The writer is James, called the Just, the brother of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to faith after His death and resurrection. It reflects the challenges that the early Church faced. He exhorts the faithful to face trials with joy for their own moulding. He counsels believers to ask God for wisdom in faith. He teaches that Christians are to be doers of the Word and not hearers only. He exhorts against favouring the rich and mistreating the poor. He warns of the dangers of the tongue and the need to discipline it. He emphasises that true faith is expressed in concrete action and not in vain words. He corrects those who strive against each other in the Church. He points the way to good pastoral care of the sick and needy by the elders of the Church.