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Bible: EZRA - OT History

The Book of EZRA covers the return of the Israelites, in the time of exile in the Medo-Persian Empire, who responded to King Cyrus' decree to return to Jerusalem to resettle there and rebuild the Temple. This was an extraordinary work of God through a foreign king. It fulfilled Jeremiah's prophecy that, after 70 years of exile, the LORD will enable His People to return to the Promised Land. The first group returned under Zerubabel, the governor, and Jeshua, the high priest rebuilt the Temple in the face of opposition. They were guided and strengthened by the prophets Haggai and Zechariah. A second group that returned with Ezra, the great teacher of the Law, brought a revival of the teaching & observance of the Mosaic Law. They resolved to put away foreign wives that they had married against the Law.