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Bible: 2 PETER & JUDE - NT General Epistles

The Epistles of 2 PETER & JUDE are closely related in content in using similar or shared words and phrases to teach against false teachers, exhort faithfulness to Christ, with a call to persevere against persecution. Both were written at about the same time and the writers probably knew of each other’s writing. Yet each writer and epistle has its own unique material. 2 Peter gave insights on growth in the Spirit and highlighted the physical destruction of this earth in the last days. It was written near Peter's death. Jude drew more from Jewish traditions in emphasising the need to stand up for our faith. He was the brother of Jesus who, together with James, another brother of Jesus and the leader of the early church in Jerusalem, came to faith after His death and resurrection. It exhorts us to uphold the faith that is once-for-all delivered to the saints.