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Bible: 1,2,3 JOHN (Epistles of John) - NT General Epistles

These 3 epistles are written by the same author of the Gospel of John, the apostle John. It shares similar linguistic words and expressions and show the same pithy style of saying a lot with a few words or metaphors, such as light verses darkness, being a child of God or of the devil, loving God or loving the world. It emphasises that a life of communion with the Father and the Son differentiates the faithful from those who live in lawlessness or the flesh. It teaches the need to discern between every spirit as to which is truly from God. The 1st epistle carries the core teachings. The 2nd was to either a church or a person, to exhort faithful living. The 3rd was to faithful a leader, Gaius, to help him uphold the church against false leaders.